November 13, 2008

Heartbeat Felt In Ears

A thump, a beat, buzzing ears ringing with a constant sound of pounding inside is considered to be pulsatile tinnitus. From the name itself, “pulsatile” refers to the pulse or a heartbeat felt in ears. It is the sensation of sound in the absence of an external source. The sound can only be heard by your self. Although the sounds may not happen all the time, when it is perceptible it tends to be very annoying and somehow discomforting.

For us to discover and know the treatment of such disorder, it is important to note the underlying factors or causes of such. It is important to bear in mind that there are many kinds and different types of tinnitus. Pulsatile tinnitus however is a kind of noise primarily compared to that of your own pulse. This can easily be checked by feeling the pulse in your hand or other pressure points and then listening to the tinnitus. The same beat or rhythm can be noticed with the two. This can be clearly explained further by understanding that such disorder happens due to a change of the blood flow in the body. The blood vessels that are located somewhere near the ear can be affected since it can notice the increase or decrease of blood flow. The involved vessels include the large arteries and veins in the neck and the head.

Instead of delving down right into choosing the different kinds of drugs to treat the heartbeat felt in your ears, let us first consider a non-toxic system if medicine. Such treatment is called homeopathy. There are many homeopathic tinnitus treatments that can be practiced today. These remedies focus on using natural elements like plants, herbs and many other materials that come from the earth. Lycopodium is one example of a homeopathic treatment for tinnitus. It is a remedy aimed to treat people experiencing tinnitus but with greater emphasis on the intensity of the sounds heard or sensed.

However, if the disorder seemed to be strong and does not respond to homeopathic treatment, then it is important to visit your doctor and have some tests run to see what really is behind such disorder. There are imaging techniques that can help in determining the root cause. An MRI or Magnetic Resonance Imaging can be a good start to give the doctors a clue on what is happening inside your ear or head. CT scans, ultrasound and Carotid Artery Ultrasonography are just a few among the many dozens of tests that can be helpful in finding the right and correct diagnosis.

With the height of technology and research being done today, there are a lot of cures and tinnitus relief treatments out there. One thing that we have to keep in mind is to always keep our immune system strong. No matter how strong or successful a treatment or medicine is, if your immune system is very weak, you will not end up being healed. It would make a difference if you complement such treatments with immune system boosting practices.

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