August 02, 2009

How to Deal with Constant Ringing in the Ears

Constant ringing in the ears is medically termed to be tinnitus and it causes great anxiety among most its sufferers. But experts say worrying does not help alleviate a condition like tinnitus, which is not at all life threatening. People seek unique tinnitus treatments because of one common reason – to gain back a good and convenient life free from the annoyance of strange noises. Imagine how it feels like to hear high screech or roaring noise inside the ears. It is disgusting. You cannot sleep. You cannot focus. You cannot live as normally as you would like to.

Succumb no more. Read these.

1. Protect yourself from excessive noise. A leading cause of tinnitus is loud noise. It destroys sensitive tissues in the inner ear. Staying away from noisy places is a good way to prevent future hearing impairment. Staying away from loud noises when you already have tinnitus is a wise way to prevent further damage. Sound above 85 decibels, whether traffic noise or loud music, is hazardous to the ears. As sound intensity increases, the less time one has to be exposed to it. Wear ear muffs if necessary.

2. Mask tinnitus. While it is not advisable to stay in noisy areas, it is also not recommended to stay in too quiet rooms. When ambient noise is absent or too feeble, you tend to hear tinnitus more and this causes a rise in anxiety levels. Thus it is ideal to set up background noise generators inside your room at night to aid better sleep. Masking devices can be as simple as a radio tuned in to a blank frequency. The radio static acts like white noise. Masking is a good way to cope with constant ringing in the ears.

3. Focus your attention on other things. Be active. A couch potato is more likely to suffer from the negative psychological effects of this ear malady than a person who is actively involved in creative actions. Tinnitus only seems to get worse when one tunes his or her attention to it. Focusing the attention on recreations or hobbies is a good diversion to aid habituation. Habituation is the getting-used-to stage. This is when people learn to ignore the noise perception. This only takes place if you help yourself pay less and lesser attention to the high tones in your ears.

4. Watch your diet. While someone could think this as a funny idea, experts believe that what you eat greatly affects the health of your ears. Your body is made up of organs that are interconnected to one another. What you place in your stomach has a way of reaching your ears. Caffeine, salt and fat must be taken minimally, if at all. Sometimes the ears suffer from missing nutrients. Some experts are now being convinced that lack of vitamin B12 and magnesium has something to do with constant ringing in the ears.

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