August 06, 2009

Causes of Ringing in the Ears

People who browse pages about tinnitus over the internet want to learn the basic details. The causes of ringing in the ears have already been identified by specialists, and there is a broad range of conditions and disorders that bring about tinnitus. If you have been asking, look here.

1. Earwax impaction

Earwax is the natural production of the ear canal and it serves to line the surface of the canal with a layer of wax that protects the ears from infection by catching dirt and limiting the growth of microorganisms. But some people produce more earwax than others. The overproduction of earwax may lead to impaction and with this is blockage of the ear canal and the hearing pathway that causes hearing loss accompanied by tinnitus.

2. Ear infection

The connection is quite easy to comprehend. An infection may affect any part of the ears causing inflammation and swelling, which lead to conductive hearing loss. Fluid may accumulate in the middle air as a result of failure of proper drainage. Antibiotics cure bacterial infections. Once the infection is cleared, the associated tinnitus goes away.

3. Ototoxic drugs

Ototoxic drugs are prescription and non-prescription medicines that have adverse effects to the hearing. Over two hundred medicines have components that harm the ears. Hence, if you are particularly sensitive to side effects of medications, check the labels of each that you take. You may also consult your doctor to ask for safer alternatives. The common ototoxic drugs are aspirin, ibuprofen, antihistamines, and some antibiotics.

4. Noise trauma

The causes of ringing in the ears may be stereos, iPods, mp4’s, or DVD players played at extreme volumes. Loud sound damages the hearing and one should watch over the over-all volume at home or in the working area. The susceptibility to damage depends on the loudness of sound one is exposed to and the length of exposure.

5. Deafness

Hearing loss accompanies tinnitus. In fact, many cases of tinnitus are associated with hearing loss. Hearing impairment may be due to loud noise, ear drum perforation, or old age. Once external hearing is lost, the brain tends to switch to the internal noise to compensate with the loss of auditory sensation.

6. Injuries of the head and neck

You may not know this but if you have experience a blow in the head, the arteries or capillaries near the ears may be affected leading to disruption of blood flow and ear function and it can be pinpointed as what causes ringing in the ears.

While you may keep guessing which among the many causes of ringing in the ears might have caused your malady, it is wise if you seek professional medical help. Self diagnosis is never a good option.

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