January 22, 2009

Medical Symptoms Of Ringing In The Ears

Tinnitus is a truly common medical disorder that generally involves the onset of annoying sounds and noises in the inner ear, even when no external sound is evident. The medical symptoms of ringing in the ears include a roaring, buzzing, clicking, whistling, hissing and phantom-like sound coming from the depths of the inner ear. There are a number of objective tinnitus relief methods available today, ranging from conventional prescription medications to herbal mixtures, homeopathic treatments and even Zen-type meditation exercises.

According to doctors, the medical symptoms of ringing in the ears are brought about by a number of environmental and work-related factors. Work-related noise may come from the roaring or banging of industrial and heavy equipment, high-pitched music from loudspeakers, as well as the booming noise created by motor vehicles and trucks. The phantom sounds that one hears may vary in pitch, ranging from a low hum to a high-pitched crackle or scream, and patients may hear these noises in one or both ears. In most cases, the noise levels may be so loud that it interferes with the person’s ability to concentrate or move properly.

The ringing ears may even stay present for longer periods, or may come and go suddenly. Occupational health experts stress that in order to reduce the chances of acquiring this, it would be best if individuals protect their ears from extremely loud music or heavy machinery noise, since frequent and long-term exposure to these levels of amplified sound can lead to hearing loss and tinnitus. Apart from wearing protective ear muffs and other head phones, most doctors note that everyone should take good care of their cardiovascular health, by regular having regular exercise, eating the right types of food, as well as by getting adequate sleep.

In controlling or effectively eradicating the medical symptoms of ringing in the ears, patients are urged to immediately see a doctor. It’s vital that you make an appointment to see your doctor once you think you have an upper respiratory infection, and when the ringing in your ears does not disappear within a week. Most patients are also advised to wear hearing protection devices, because constant exposure to extremely loud noise may lead to further damage in the auditory nerves and fibers of the inner ear. Some alternative medicine therapies may also help in alleviating the symptoms, and these include hypnosis, acupuncture, zinc supplements and ginko biloba herbal capsules.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Hello Dude,

Medical symptoms are complaints which indicate disease. They are noticed by the patient and cause people to go and see a health practitioner. I hope that it eventually proves easier for you the reader to follow the postings and comments.
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