January 19, 2009

Alternative Medicine for Vertigo

Often used incorrectly as a term for describing dizziness, vertigo refers to an irregular or whirling-motion sensation, either compounded by internal or external factors. According to health experts, the most prevalent form of vertigo is benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV), wherein attacks are brought forth by certain changes in the position of the head. BPPV may also be brought about by a former head injury, other bacterial or viral infections and some drug therapies. These days, there are a number of New-age and unconventional treatments for this condition. However, for most patients, what alternative medicine for vertigo is best for them?

Vertigo has symptoms almost akin to tinnitus, or ringing in the ears. Individuals who have bouts of vertigo are known to experience sudden sensations of swirling or spinning, which may also be accompanied by loss of balance, fatigue, light-headedness, sweating, vomiting and nauseas. Health researchers also denote that herbs may help in alleviating vertigo, which are almost the same as natural treatments for tinnitus. A number of clinical trials have found out that extracts of Ginkgo Biloba have been tested to considerably reduce the symptoms of vertigo in elderly individuals who have mild cognitive impairments. Ginkgo biloba has also been proven to help reduce the dizzying swirling and spinning sensations. Herbalists also note that a gram of powdered ginger root prepared in a single application is also quite successful in considerably reducing the effects, and is also a potent alternative medicine for vertigo.

Apart from utilizing an alternative medicine for vertigo, doctors also recommend that patients undergo significant lifestyle changes. They suggest that patients refrain from head positions that invite a sudden attack of vertigo, especially bending the neck back while looking up. Regularly visiting a healthcare practitioner who is familiar with vertigo-related therapeutic modalities may also help, particularly with exercises like vestibular rehabilitation exercises, spinal manipulation, trigger point therapy and particle repositioning maneuvers. Taking extra nutritional supplements should also help alleviate the conditions of vertigo, such as vitamin B6, as these have been tested to reduce the effects of vertigo on a control group of patients.

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